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Home » The Northwest Unites to Save Construction

The Northwest Unites to Save Construction

The risk of doing business in construction has never been higher.  In an industry that is aiming for better, faster, and greener delivery, the Save Construction Initiative is an industry driven taskforce working to influence the stability of the UK construction industry.

Leading professional bodies such as the RICS, CIBSE, CIOB and Manchester Society of Architects have joined forces and are collaborating under the banner of the Save Construction Initiative to put a stop to the “behaviours” that make the sector vulnerable and at risk of failure.

The UK construction sector is consistently ranked no.1 for insolvency, with more than 3000 firms failing every year. Brought into public spotlight following the high-profile collapse of Carillion in 2018, this number is far greater than any other sector, and causes significant economic, social, and environmental harm.

According to The Office of National Statistics, in the first half of 2022, construction gained “pole position” once again for the highest number of business insolvencies in both England and Wales with 2,083 registered insolvencies accounting for almost 20% of the total. In quarter 1 there were 1044 insolvencies, the highest level since quarter 1 2012. Insolvencies were also 58% higher in March 2022 compared to pre-pandemic.

In the latest data from the Insolvency Service, 337 UK construction firms became insolvent in August and 3,944 construction firms went out of business in the year to August 2022, which is the highest number since the financial crisis.

On a mission!

In response to these ongoing problems SCI’s Chief Executive Officer, Zoe Brooke, brought together several industry clients, professionals and contractors into a focus group day, to help shape and form SCI’s mission to influence the stability of the UK construction industry.

Passionate as ever, Zoe explained:

The Northwest has seen an unprecedented number of businesses entering administration, and this is having a catastrophic affect on resourcing, procurement, delivery, and skills. For 9 years I have disseminated the government white paper and campaigned against the skills crisis, and it appears to no avail. We are in no better position than before. In fact, it is worse than ever.

Aside from the obvious, we are derailing from the recommendations within the Gold Standard and The Construction Playbook and reducing our chances of compliance towards net zero, sustainability, corporate social value whilst simultaneously feeding GM mayoral priorities such as homelessness and mental health and wellbeing.

The focus groups were delivered by SCI’s Director, Tim Whitehill, and all data captured is being used to inform our future strategies.

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